Return & Refund
We will be happy to offer you a return or refund within 7 days of receipt of purchase. This does not include items purchased in the sale or with a promotion or items specially altered. All returns must be accompanied by a copy of your proof of purchase.
Products purchased online must be returned to us in perfect condition and in their original packaging in order for us to process a return or refund. Products purchased online can be returned at Johnson & Co. or by Signed-For and Guaranteed Post.
Special orders and engraved items are non-returnable/non-refundable.​
Processing your Refund
Upon receipt of items, the credit or debit card originally used for the purchase will be credited with the cost of the goods minus the delivery charges (exceptions may apply). We will process your refund within 7 days of receipt. Your credit card company may take up to 31working days to credit your account.